International Yoga Day is celebrated every year on 21 June since its inception in 2015. International Yoga Day was declared unanimously by the United Nations General Assembly (UGCA). Yoga is a physical, Mental and spiritual practice originated from India.
Yoga began as an ancient practice that originated in India circa 3000 B.C. Plenty of stone carved figures of Yoga can be found in the Indus Valley depicting original poses and practices. Yoga was primarily developed as a way to achieve harmony between the heart and soul that can lead to a path of saintly enlightenment. As time went by it was discovered, Yoga has a practical benefit of curing a lot of diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and also helps in getting rid of any sort of physical injuries and chronic pains. The word ‘ Yoga’ is derived from the Sanskrit root ‘ Yuj’ which basically means ‘to join’ or ‘to unite’. “ Yoga” also refers to an inner science compromising a variety of methods through which any individual can realize this union and obtain mastery over there own destiny.
Yoga started with the very dawn of civilization. The actual science of it has its origin thousands of years ago, even before the first religions or belief systems were born. In the Yogic Lore, Shiva is seen as the first yogi and the first Guru.
Thousand years ago in the Himalayas, Adiyogi which is the first guru poured his wholehearted knowledge into the legendary Saptarishis which is also known as “Seven Sages”. It was the sages that helped in carrying this powerful Yogic science to all over the world including, Asia, Middle East, Northern Africa, and South America.
The period between 500 B.C. and 800 A.D. is considered to be as the classical period which is also touted as the most fertile and influential period in the history and development of Yoga. During this stage, commentaries of Vyasa and Yoga sutras came into existence. This period belonged to the two great religious teachers of India Mahavir and Buddha.
The Period between 1700-1900 A.D. is considered as Modern Period in which the great Yogacharyas Ramana Maharishi, Vivekananda, etc. have contributed immensely for the development of Raja Yoga. Now in recent times, everyone has a conviction about various Yoga practices towards the preservation and promotion of health.
The benefits of yoga provide both instant Gratification and lasting transformation. Yoga provides a lot of physical as well as Mental benefits that help in changing the Individual completely. The benefits of Yoga is long-lasting and helps in giving a long term solution to major and minor problems.

Benefits Of Yoga:
1. Yoga has this ability to ease stress and helps in promoting relaxation.
2. Practicing Yoga can also get help in getting rid of Anxiety.
3. Improves Heart Health drastically as Yoga Practices help in pumping blood to the overall body to supplying tissues with Important nutrients.
4. Yoga can improve the Quality of life, and reduce symptoms in patients with cancer.
5. Several studies have suggested that Yoga may help in fighting depression by helping the production of stress hormones in the entire body.
6. Also Promotes Sleep Quality, because of its effect on melatonin and its impact on plenty of common contributors that do effects the quality of sleep such as anxiety, stress, depression, etc.
7. Improves Flexibility and Balance.
8. Improves breathing as Yoga incorporates several breathing exercises, which could improve breathing and lung function.
9. Promotes healthy Eating Habits, as it encourages mindfulness which helps in promoting mindful and healthy eating.
10. Increases Strength and endurance.
Theme of International Yoga day 2019:
The theme of International Yoga day 2019 is “Climate Condition” and it will be celebrated with many Yoga gurus to raise global awareness about the benefits of Yoga. The day will be celebrated at United Nations and will become the fifth annual international day of Yoga