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Shin splints | Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Preventions

Shin Splints are caused by physical activity that is strenuous and games with stop-start kind of play like tennis, racquet games, football, and basketball. Check out the Symptoms, Treatment, and Preventions.

Minlun Sat
Last updated: 08.06.2020
Shin splints | Sports Social Blog

What are Shin Splints? 

It basically describes the pain in the frontal part of the lower leg. In medical terms, doctors use the name, Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome. It is pain felt between the knees and ankles. The Shinbone is the long bone in the lower leg.

Shin Splints are caused by physical activity that is strenuous and games with stop-start kind of play like tennis, racquet games, football, and basketball. Here, we are talking about football and shin splints that are very prevalent among footballers. With the use of legs to play the game, there is excessive contact in the lower area when fighting for the ball.

What are Shin Splints (Source: JOI Institute)

When there is constant repetitive contact with the shinbone, it damages the bone, the muscle, and the ligaments in that area thus causing tiny cracks in the bone, the softness of muscles, and slow detachment and the wearing of the ligaments.


  •  Symptoms of Shin Splints:

1. Inflammation in the shin area due to excessive contact and pressure

2. Extreme pain when touching the swelling in the shins

3. Sharp when walking or exercising or walking through uneven terrain

4. There can also be discoloration in the area where there is tiny cracks in the bone

5. Uneasiness when wearing sports equipment or uniforms.  


  •  Treatment for Shin Splints:

1. For mild pain and early onset, the use of an ice pack to reduce the pain and heat will help with easing the pain.

2. If there is swelling, wrap an ice pack with clear tape wrappers to keep the heat intact and leave it on for a span of 15-30 mins.

3. Rest the leg for a few days depending on the intensity of the pain.

4. Make sure to wrap the leg with medically warranted elastic wraps.

5. If the injury continues to persist for a few weeks consult your doctor, as there could be an advancement of the symptoms to a hairline fracture.

 Exercises for Shin Splints (Source: Summit Medical Group)

  •  Preventions of Shin Splints:

1. Proper Uniform: Always wear proper equipment designed for the specific sport you are planning on playing.

2. Proper Technique: When you are working, training, or playing a particular sport make sure to follow proper techniques with body postures and other movements.

3. Do not overuse: When there is pain felt in the leg initially do not overuse the leg to try and continue to play with the pain. Shin Splints can be mild but it tends to put athletes out for months because of negligence.

4. Proper Shoes: Make sure that the shoes you wear are suitable for your feet and the arch of your sole.

5. Strengthening: When exercise makes sure to focus on adding workouts to strengthen and stretch the shin for better flexibility.

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