As WrestleMania 40 approaches, it is time to look at the best matches from the last five WrestleMania events. These last five years are the ones in which the last four have been two-night WrestleMania events. This means more matches got time, and the quality of the show was superior. There have been several great matches at each WrestleMania. A total of 14 matches happened in one WrestleMania; therefore, 70 matches have taken place in the last five years.
Let’s look at the best matches from the last five WrestleMania events.
The Usos vs Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens at WrestleMania 39

WrestleMania 39 is one of those events where there were many of the year
contenders, and therefore choosing the best one from that show was difficult.
However, the storytelling and emotions of this match meant that main event
night 1 of WrestleMania 39 was the one that was the best match. The quality of
that match was off the charts, as it was one of the best matches of the year.
That match had everything, from a super-dominant champion to challengers the
crowd loved. This tag team match was the pinnacle of tag team wrestling, and
the story told in this match was absolutely sensational.
Bianca Belair vs Becky Lynch at WrestleMania 38
WrestleMania 38 was yet another 2-night WrestleMania, and at this show, there
were a lot of bangers featuring different WWE superstars. However, this match,
which pitted Becky Lynch against Bianca Belair, was the one that stole the
show. They had a great build since the SummerSlam last year, and the match was
absolutely top-draw. Becky Lynch was the heel and Bianca Belair was the face,
and they told such a great story, recollecting the best moments from their
feud. Bianca Belair won the match, and WrestleMania 38 was incredible.
Roman Reigns vs Edge vs Daniel Bryan at WrestleMania 37

The first WrestleMania main event for Roman Reigns as the Tribal Chief was
his best WrestleMania match in the last five years. This match was between
three men who had come back from career-ending injuries and health scares. The
prospect of these three being the best in the main events at WrestleMania 37
was something that was not lost on anyone. That match was amazing, and all
three were at the top of their game. Edge and Daniel Bryan were great faces,
and Roman Reigns was showing how legendary his title reign was going to be. This
was the match that set up the entire storyline of The Bloodline.
The Undertaker vs AJ Styles at WrestleMania 36

This was the WrestleMania that was held during the COVID pandemic, and this
was the WrestleMania that had the card to be the best of all time. However,
considering the circumstances, The Undertaker vs AJ Styles in a Boneyard Match
was a spectacle at its very best. It was the last match for The Undertaker.
That was absolutely amazing to watch, and it was the first cinematic match in
that era. WrestleMania 36 even had the Firefly Fun House Match, but this was
better. The Undertaker won that match, and he retired after 30 years.
Kofi Kingston vs Daniel Bryan at WrestleMania 35

Daniel Bryan is the only wrestler to feature on this list twice. This match
that he had against Kofi Kingston at WrestleMania 35 was special. The crowd,
which was over 80,000 strong, was cheering for Kofi Kingston. That was easily
the best match of that WrestleMania. It was KofiMania all around, and that
match saw Daniel Bryan play the perfect heel to Kofi Kingston. After 25
minutes, it was Kofi Kingston who won the match. It will remain one of those
WrestleMania moments that nobody will ever forget.