For those who want to work behind-the-scenes in the sporting industry, Sports Journalism is an option. Sports journalism includes many different careers in online media, print and broadcast journalism.
Sports Journalist Jobs
Sports journalist jobs vary across media, roles, and content. Some sports journalists stick with one employer, and thus one form of media, while others freelance, covering various sports and writing and reporting for print, broadcast and/or online milieus. Some sports journalists are solely responsible for covering one professional sports team, whereas others may produce stories on a variety of local, university and/or professional teams and events.
Some sports journalism jobs focus on interviewing and profiling athletes, while others focus on game/tournament highlights and results. A sports journalist career may also transition into a public relations role for a university or professional team, which involves marketing/advertising and communication skills along with journalistic abilities.
Examples of sports journalist jobs include:
Sports writers/reporters for print media (including newspapers and magazines)
Sports editors for print media (including newspapers and magazines)
Hosts of radio or television sports shows
Sports announcers/commentators for radio or television
Sports writers/reporters for television or radio broadcasts
Producers or directors of television or radio sports shows
Online writers/reporters for sports websites, e-magazines or e-newspapers
Online editors for sports websites, e-magazines or e-newspapers
Sports information specialists
Media Representative for sports teams, associations or major venues
Sports Announcer/Commentator

Sports announcers discuss relevant aspects of the game on live radio or television. They need to be comfortable in interviewing players and coaches. Jobs in sports announcing are competitive, requiring at least a bachelor’s in sports journalism or a related field and many years of experience in sports and writing. Aspiring sports announcers usually begin at the local level while working for college radio broadcasts. There are also paid and unpaid internships at commercial radio stations.
Sports Radio Show Host
Sports radio hosts are different than announcers in that they need a comprehensive knowledge of all sports so they can discuss the latest news during a weekly show. Some hosts are lucky enough to have their own show during which they interview athletes and coaching staff. It’s a competitive field, and many positions are filled by former players or coaches, so a bachelor’s degree in sports journalism, radio broadcasting, or communications is one way to stand out. Broadcasting experience as an intern at a local radio station can help prospective sports announcers find entry-level positions as production assistants and researchers, at which point they can move their way up the ladder.
Sports Writer
Between keeping fans up-to-date on the latest sporting news and expressing their opinion about all aspects of the game, sportswriters have a lot to share. Some of the topics that a sports writer covers include gameplay predictions, drafts, trades, coaching, and individual players. Although there are jobs for newspaper sports writers, more positions are available as online freelancers. Most outlets require a bachelor’s degree in sports journalism, communications, or an equivalent. The best way to make connections as an aspiring sports writer is to gain experience as an undergraduate writing for the school team and interning at a local newspaper.
Television Sports Producer